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v0.2 Laem Promthep

We are happy to announce the second release of Farfetched. It includes Mutation concept and factories to create it and a couple minor improvements for Query and its operators. For a full list of changes, see the changelog below.

Laem Promthep

Photo by Vitaly Sacred on Unsplash

Why Laem Promthep?

Laem Promthep is one of the most famous capes on Phuket, and Phuket is a place where Farfetched was born.

Full changelog



Patch Changes

  • 9e9ba85: Handle nullish values in Sourced fields



Patch Changes

  • 989891f: Fix connectQuery incorrect inference of argument in fn in some cases



Patch Changes

  • 3fc1ff3: Expose types ValidationResult and Validator



Patch Changes

  • f373689: Add ESM build
  • Updated dependencies [f373689]
    • @farfetched/misc@0.1.2



Patch Changes

  • e871f8b: Do not change $status for disabled Queries

Patch Changes

  • b596c20: Fix bug with stale data returned by createQueryResource after re-executing the Query



Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • b4a594a: Fix type definitions of error guards

Patch Changes

  • f373689: Add ESM build
  • Updated dependencies [f373689]
    • @farfetched/misc@0.1.2



Minor Changes


Minor Changes

  • 7c3c78f: Add reset command to Query
  • 0162a13: Allow skipping body in non GET/QUERY requests in createJsonQuery
  • cb5a598: Add new factory — createMutation
  • f26284c: Add new stores to Query — $failed and $succeeded
  • cb5a598: Add new factory — createHeadlessMutation
  • cb5a598: Add new concept — Mutation
  • 1b1fca4: Add otherwise to retry that is called after all attempts are exceeded
  • cb5a598: Add new factory — createJsonMutation

Patch Changes

  • e3a922a: Fix createJsonQuery return object structure, now it passes isQuery check
  • 55c1920: Ignore non-object values in headers transformers

Minor Changes

Released under the MIT License.