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Creates static connection between Queries. Every time when source Queries successfully done, target Query will start with a data from source as parameters.


connectQuery({ source, target })

This form is used for target Query without parameters. It does not pass any data to target.

const languagesQuery: Query<unknown, unknown, unknown>;
const blocksQuery: Query<unknown, unknown, unknown>;

const contentQuery: Query<void, unknown, unknown>;

  source: { language: languagesQuery, blocks: blocksQuery },
  target: contentQuery,

connectQuery({ source, fn, target })

This form is used for target Query with parameters. It gets results and parameters of source, transforms it through fn and uses it for target Query.

fn accepts an object with the shape from source, each field contains result and params of the corresponding Query and returns an object with a single field params which is used to start target Query.

const blocksQuery: Query<unknown, string, unknown>;
const blocksQuery: Query<unknown, string[], unknown>;

const contentQuery: Query<
  { language: string; ids: string[] },

  source: { language: languagesQuery, blocks: blocksQuery },
  fn({ language, blocks }) {
    // language.params contains parameters of the `languagesQuery`
    // language.result contains result of the `languagesQuery`

    // blocks.params contains parameters of the `blocksQuery`
    // blocks.result contains result of the `blocksQuery`

    return { params: { lang: language.result, ids: blocks.result } };
  target: contentQuery,


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